It is not often in our busy lives that we can simply take the time to reflect and today for just a small moment I have taken the opportunity to do just that.
Looking back over the 50+ years of my life to this point, I can see how far I have strayed from my childhood dreams and aspirations. I'm not a concert pianist, a Gospel singer, a world-famous photographer, a research scientist, or even a fashion designer. I don't live in the mansion with a ballroom I designed in my teens. I'm also not a world-famous writer.
If I focus on what I am not I will miss the beauty of what I am. And so I reflect on this and find that I have lived in three countries, I am a mother, a wife, and a company director.
I am also an award-winning writer. This is something I need to remind myself of often. I have also published a book of short stories, I have another short story collection in the editing stage and have completed the first draft of my first novel with book two of the series half-way written.
My point in writing this is partly for me, to remind me of what I have accomplished, but also to remind you of the same. Take the time to reflect on your life. See where you are now. Acknowledge your accomplishments and as you reflect on your life, be kind to yourself.
Above all, be happy.